StackMatch and SixPak User K5MR


Here's some more info for your product user page. I am using WX0B Stack
Matches to control my 3-bay stacks on 20m, 15m and 10m. The Stack Matches
are used to control 4/4/4 on 20m, 


6/6/6 on 15m, 


and 6/6/6 on 10m.

Using the Stack Match is the only way to go. It makes it easy to match and switch 3 antennas. I was dreading cutting and tuning phasing lines and building custom controllers for each array. With the Stack Match all you do is cut 3 equal lengths of coax and hook up the control cable. It can't get any easier than that! Using the Stack Matches gives me maximum flexibility, allowing use of all 3 antennas in phase, or full diversification by pointing antennas in 3 different directions simultaneously. They get used heavily every contest and have performed perfectly.

This week I ordered a 6X2 SixPak to replace the homebrew 6X2 relay box in my SO2R station. The homebrew box works, but has some VSWR bumps on the high bands due to construction techniques and the lack of impedance matching components. The SixPak PCB design and use of custom relays will take care of that problem I'm sure.

Photos taken by K6NR and K5NZ of the 1999 CQ WW Phone M/S at K5MR are
available at the K5MR web site:


Please feel free to use any of the antenna photos if they are good enough quality. There are a few more photos available at:


Thanks again Jay and Sharon. Looking forward to putting the new SixPak to good use!


Steve - K5MR